Friday, June 15, 2007

dumb & dumber

A meme from Katya via Slow-writer:
"For this meme, I'm going to ask you to answer three (hopefully not dumb) questions: What is the dumbest question you ever been asked? Why was it it dumb? And, even though it won't help, because answering a dumb question never does, what's the answer? (Or, as I like to think of them: The Big Dumb Question, The Big Dumb Reason, and The Big Dumb Answer.)"

What is the dumbest question you ever been asked?
"Do you want to get in my sportscar and go to the most romantic bar in town?" (paraphrasing)

Why was it it dumb?
It was asked of me by a woman I had met through a personals ad with the clear intent of meeting to see if she would want to have sex with me.

What's the answer?
You'll have to read the story.


Writeprocrastinator said...







Katie Schwartz said...

wp, hahahaha.

sensu, that is one hot, hot, hooooot fuck yarn. ps: just because you were with one person at that time hardly makes you inexperienced. I'm just sayin'.

Al Sensu said...

WP, oh sorry -- that was a typo. I meant Low Rider! Yeah, that's the ticket.

Jewcy - It was great to have someone all over me like that. I was disappointed for a while she didn't call back, but in the long run it didn't matter and I was confident it wasn't about me.