Wednesday, August 01, 2007

al's birthday

Al Sensu was born a year ago, August 2, 2006. He was born of horniness. From that horniness a story was extruded from the brain between his legs up through the brain in his head onto a Word document and then to blogspot.

Read the story

I have made many great friends through the blog o' sphere. I thank you all for your support, and for sharing so much of and about yourselves. It's a great community we have.

I thank all who read my little tales and commentaries. Mine are not the most-read blogs out there, but the erotischism site counter just passed 50,000, and Hard & Fast just passed 25,000, so that's not bad. I think of it this way: You people have spent more than 2,500 hours reading my scribblings, and that is an honor.

I thank the people who do Sugasm, Fleshbot Sex Blog Roundup and Adult Blog Hub. And I miss Blogstormz. These are how people found me and I found them.

I've just been interviewed by Blog Interviewer.

Keep reading and remember, we bloggers love those comments!



D said...

Happy Birthday Al!

Sometimes it seems that you're the only person that reads my blogs so I know what you mean.

Thanks and have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Al.

There may be a post cumming your way....

Fusion said...

Happy blogiversary Al, here's to another year...


G said...

Happy B-Day Al! Only one birthday spanking to administer? Damn. Then you get a b-day kiss to go with it too, and maybe a pinch and maybe a tickle. ;)